
Supporting children and adolescents for 30 years

About us

Kolibri is a non-profit social organization (NGO) which has been existing for nearly three decades. It provides support for children, adolescents and youngsters between 6 and 18 years who are living in precarious conditions, as well as their families.


Provide educational activities in creative areas such as artistic expression, sports, leisure, entertainment, racial and cultural diversity, educative communication (“educomunicação”) and ecological conscience as a means to increase self-confidence.


Provide pre-professional experiences and professional orientation, and promote knowledge of digital communication tools through usage.


Foster integration between the different generations for both participants and their community, as well as experience with indigenous communities.

Sponsors and supporters

Results in 2023



Donations in 2023





What’s going on at Kolibri

Get to know what’s happening in our institution with the educative contents produced by our communication center called “Olhar Social” (Social observation).

What’s going on at Kolibri

Get to know what’s happening in our institution with the educative contents produced by our communication center called “Olhar Social” (Social observation).

Beija-Flor forma nova turma de barbeiros e cabeleireiros

Beija-Flor forma nova turma de barbeiros e cabeleireiros

Mais um grupo de novos profissionais da área da beleza se formou oficialmente pelo projeto Ordalinos na noite de segunda-feira, 10 de dezembro, em cerimônia realizada no anfiteatro do Espaço Cultural Beija-Flor. Foram 73 jovens e adultos que, a partir de agora,...

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Instituto Devolver realiza Mostra Cultural na Beija-Flor

Instituto Devolver realiza Mostra Cultural na Beija-Flor

Nossos amigos do Instituto Devolver promoveram um lindo encontro na sexta-feira, 6 de dezembro, na sede da Rede Cultural Beija-Flor. O evento foi uma grande mostra cultural que contou com a participação de crianças e adolescentes atendidos por diversas entidades que...

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Beija-Flor recebe troféu do Prêmio Melhores ONGs 2024

Beija-Flor recebe troféu do Prêmio Melhores ONGs 2024

Com grande alegria participamos da cerimônia do Prêmio Melhores ONGs 2024, realizado no dia 22 de novembro, em Osasco. Este ano foi a primeira vez que a Rede Cultural Beija-Flor foi selecionada entre as 100 melhores instituições do Brasil e estarmos representados na...

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How can you help?

Natural Person
– Monthly donation

– Single donation

– “Nota Fiscal Paulista” program

– Volunteering

Legal Person

– Incentive Projects

– Donation of Products and Services

– Collaborative Events

– Monthly Donation

– Single donation

– Project adoption

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